CAST stands for citizens against state torture ( was established in UK June 2023. We are a group of medics, lawyers and human rights activists who have come together to form Citizens Against State Torture (CAST). We are extremely concerned about the breakdown of law and order and the significant rise in human rights violations in Pakistan since the fall of the elected government led by former Prime Minister, Imran Khan.
Cast submitted an urgent petition to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Opinion and Expression on Monday 5 February 2024, just days before a highly controversial election is scheduled to take place in Pakistan.
The press conference was held on Tuesday 6th February, 2024 at the Famous Bindmans Law firm in London by Dr Usman Khan, Director CAST, Tayab Ali, famous Human Rights lawyer and Managing Partner, and Rosa Polaschek, Barrister, Doughty Steet Chambers.