Pakistan has descended into chaos where its citizens have faced arbitrary detention and torture whilst in prison. Allegations have been made that women supportive of Imran Khan will be raped and news agencies have provided credible reports that journalists, protesters and staff of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) are being illegally detained, tortured and killed.
The very many cases of human rights violation include the cases of Pakistani journalists Arshad Sharif and Imran Riaz Khan. Arshad, who fled from Pakistan following threats to his life, was tragically killed in Kenya in strange circumstances according to international media reports. Many suspect that the threats to kill him were actually carried out. Imran Riaz Khan was abducted and incarcerated in May 2023 for reporting on and being critical of the atrocities being committed by Pakistan’s government. He remains in detention.
Reports indicate that the Pakistani government has extended its threats to dual citizens that live abroad and speak out against the atrocities being committed by issuing statements that they will also be targeted.
Pakistan is losing any semblance of being a democracy and rapidly declining into an autocratic state, where the rule of law is repeatedly being abused by the Pakistani authorities. Freedom of expression, assembly and protest have all been dangerously curtailed and restrictions have been placed on the media and access to the internet restricted.
The Constitution of Pakistan has for all purposes been suspended under the current regime.
We are a group of medics, lawyers and human rights activists who have come together to form Citizens Against State Torture (CAST).